SetPlayerPos Console Command

Documentation and detailed help with working examples.

SetPlayerPos Command

cheat SetPlayerPos

This command will move you to the specified coordinates.


The syntax for this command is as follows:

Type: Number

The X coordinate you wish to teleport your character to.

Type: Number

The Y coordinate you wish to teleport your character to.

Type: Number

The Z coordinate you wish to teleport your character to.

In-Depth Description

The SetPlayerPos command allows you to instantly move to a specific set of coordinates within the game world.

When you launch this command, you must input three values, representing the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the location where you wish to teleport.

The format of the command is cheat SetPlayerPos [X] [Y] [Z].

For example, if you want to teleport to coordinates at X = 5000, Y = 800, and Z = 650, you would input cheat SetPlayerPos 5000 800 650.

This command can be very helpful if there is a specific location in the game that you want to get to quickly. You can use this command to teleport there instantly, saving you a lot of travel time.


Below is information about the SetPlayerPos console command.

Console compatible
Version added0.0
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Quick Overview

The command SetPlayerPos is used to instantly teleport the player to specific X, Y, and Z coordinates.

Command Builder

Adjust the settings below to automatically generate a command. Once you have the inputs you want, click the copy button and paste it into the console in Starfield.
cheat SetPlayerPos


cheat SetPlayerPos 2500 500 500

This command will teleport your character to the coordinates 2,500 (X), 500 (Y), and 500 (Z).

cheat MoveTargetTo 800 500 950

This command will teleport your character to the coordinates 800 (X), 500 (Y), and 950 (Z).