SpawnActorSpread Console Command

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SpawnActorSpread Command


This command spawns a given amount of entities, based on the blueprint specified.


The syntax for this command is as follows:

The blueprint path of the entity you wish to spawn.

Spawn Distance
Type: Number

The distance from you where the entity should be spawned.

Y Offset
Type: Number

'The distance you want to spawn the entity from your character, to the right (positive numbers) or to the left (negative numbers).

Z Offset
Type: Number

The distance you want to spawn the entity from your character, above (positive numbers) or below (negative numbers).

Type: Number

The amount of entities you wish to spawn.

Type: Number

The radius of the circle in which the entities will be spawned.


Below is information about the SpawnActorSpread console command.

Console compatible
Version added0.0
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Command Builder

Adjust the settings below to automatically generate a command. Once you have the inputs you want, click the copy button and paste it into the console in Starfield.
cheat SpawnActorSpread
Blueprint Path
Spawn Distance
Y Offset
Z Offset


cheat SpawnActorSpread "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dodo/Turkey_Character_BP.Turkey_Character_BP'" 100 0 0 10 100

This command will spawn 10 Super Turkeys 100 units in front of you.